Novadaq Technologies (NASDAQ:NVDQ; TSX:NDQ) has unveiled its SPY-Q Case Manager (SPY-QCM) software at the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care Fall 2015 meeting in Las Vegas. SPY-QCM is an image acquisition and analysis...
BioLight Life Sciences Investments’ (OTCQX:BLGTY; TASE:BOLT) Eye-D platform insert will be presented at the 5thAnnual Partnership Opportunities in Drug Delivery conference in Boston on Oct. 5. The Eye-D is BioLight’s...
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has approved Oramed Pharmaceuticals’ (NASDAQ: ORMP) patent for its invention, titled “Methods and Compositions for Oral Administrations of Proteins.” In a statement, CEO...
Dipexium Pharmaceuticals and research collaborators, JMI Laboratories, have presented new Locilex microbiology data at the American Society for Microbiology’s Interscience Conference of Antimicrobial Agents and...
Closely-held Braeburn Pharmaceuticals has commended U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell on her announcement that HHS will expand access to medication-assisted treatment as part of...
The FDA has granted Can-Fite BioPharma’s (NYSE MKT:CANF; TASE:CFBI) drug candidate, CF102, fast track designation asv a second line treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common form of liver cancer...