
Category - Developments


Novadaq posts 52% jump in Q1 revenue

Novadaq Technologies (NASDAQ:NVDQ; TSX:NDQ) has reported first quarter revenue of $17.7-million, up 52%, from $11.7-million a year ago. Total direct sales in the quarter rose by $6.1-million, or 71%, and total...


BioSight completes Phase 1/2a leukemia trial

Closely-held BioSight has completed patient treatment in its ongoing Phase 1/2a clinical study of Astarabine in acute leukemia patients and expects to report final results in coming months. The Phase 1/2a trial is an...


FDA rejects TransEnterix SurgiBot submission

The FDA has advised TransEnterix (NYSE MKT:TRXC) that its SurgiBot System does not meet the criteria for substantial equivalence based on the data and information submitted by the company in its 510(k) submission. “The...

Titan Pharmaceuticals Logo

Titan Pharma presents Phase 3 Probuphine data

Titan Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:TTNP) has presented data from the last Phase 3 study of Probuphine, a six month subdermal buprenorphine implant for the long-term maintenance treatment of opioid addiction, at a poster...


Avivagen plans JV to sell OxC-beta in China

Avivagen (TSX-V:VIV) plans to collaborate with the Jintai group of companies for a joint venture to commercialize OxC-beta Livestock in China. The companies plan to create a Sino-Canadian joint venture company based in...

Soricimed Logo

Soricimed to present four posters at AACR

Closely-held Soricimed Biopharma and collaborators plan to present four posters at the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) annual meeting in New Orleans on April 16-20. The presentations are based on...


USPTO extends Oramed patent term

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued a patent term adjustment (PTA) extending the patent term by 18 months for Oramed Pharmaceuticals’ (NASDAQ:ORMP) patent titled, “Methods and Compositions for Oral...