
CMS sets national pricing for BioStem’s VENDAJE


The Center for Medicare Services (CMS) established national pricing for BioStem Technologies’ (OTCQB:BSEM) VENDAJE in all Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) regions, effective Jan. 1, 2023.

VENDAJE allografts now offer healthcare providers and their Medicare beneficiary patients a proven effective, reimbursable treatment option for lower extremity non-healing wounds.

“This accelerates our momentum as we expand availability of VENDAJE to even more patients, thereby increasing adoption and creating better patient outcomes,” Jason Matuszewski, CEO of BioStem, said in a statement.

Establishing national pricing for VENDAJE enables BioStem to offer its product to all Medicare providers across the U.S., streamlines the reimbursement process and potentially accelerates reimbursement payments in all MAC regions.