
NeoTX acquires InterX to boost drug discovery


Closely-held NeoTX of Israel has acquired InterX, a drug discovery company utilizing advanced proprietary tools of biomolecular computation for the discovery and design of novel therapeutic molecules based on Nobel Prize Laureate Prof. Michael Levitt’s discoveries. 

These tools allow a detailed quantum mechanical process assessment of biochemical interactions resulting in faster, more accurate and efficient drug discovery. In addition to the discovery engine, this acquisition also comes with a pipeline of early drugs.

In a statement, Asher Nathan, CEO of NeoTX said InterX’s technologies augment traditional computer assisted drug discovery (CADD) and are designed to replace much of the typical synthesis and testing cycles that are needed after obtaining results from the traditional CADD process, while “potentially saving three-plus years of the typical drug discovery timeline.”  

Nobel Prize Laureate Prof. Roger Kornberg, chief scientist of NeoTX and cofounder of InterX, which has operations in Israel and the U.S., said InterX’s technology is the most advanced in the industry, and when combined with the development expertise of NeoTX, “we will be able to advance best-in-class drug candidates, increase the value of our pipeline, and strive to contribute to improvement of quality-of-life within society.”