
Category - Developments


FibroGen flunks Phase 3 in non-ambulatory DMD

FibroGen’s (NASDAQ: FGEN) Phase 3 LELANTOS-1 placebo-controlled trial of pamrevlumab for the treatment of non-ambulatory patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) on background corticosteroids did not meet the...

Check Cap

Check-Cap reviewing strategic alternatives

Check-Cap (NASDAQ:CHEK) is exploring strategic alternatives, such as the sale of all or part of the company, licensing, merger or reverse merger, and has retained Ladenburg Thalmann as an advisor to the company. Check...

Vistagen Logo

Vistagen presents Phase 3 data for SAD

Vistagen (NASDAQ:VTGN) presented positive safety and exploratory efficacy data at the American Society for Clinical Psychopharmacology annual meeting in Miami from its large Phase 3 open-label study of fasedienol nasal...