
Category - Developments

Vital Therapies

Vital outlines plans for new Phase 3 ELAD trial

Vital Therapies (NASDAQ:VTL) has outlined plans for a possible new Phase 3 clinical trial designed to confirm ELAD’s safety and efficacy in alcohol-induced liver decompensation (AILD), including severe acute alcoholic...


Novadaq unveils SPY-Q Case Manager software

Novadaq Technologies (NASDAQ:NVDQ; TSX:NDQ) has unveiled its SPY-Q Case Manager (SPY-QCM) software at the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care Fall 2015 meeting in Las Vegas. SPY-QCM is an image acquisition and analysis...

Dipexium Pharmaceuticals

Dipexium presents Locilex data at ICAAC/ICC

Dipexium Pharmaceuticals and research collaborators, JMI Laboratories, have presented new Locilex microbiology data at the American Society for Microbiology’s Interscience Conference of Antimicrobial Agents and...