
Beyond Air and TrillaMed deploy LungFit PH into U.S. Natal Hospital Guam NICU

Beyond Air (NASDAQ:XAIR), in partnership with TrillaMed, announced that it will provide its groundbreaking LungFit PH system to the neonatal critical care unit (NICU) at U.S. Naval Hospital Guam, enabling advanced care for newborns in need of respiratory support.

The LungFit PH system is designed to generate nitric oxide from ambient air and deliver it for the treatment of persistent pulmonary hypertension in neonates (PPHN), a condition that affects the heart and lungs of newborns.

“Through our partnership with TrillaMed, we are able to extend the reach of our LungFit PH, delivering critical solutions to the healthcare community,” said Steve Lisi, CEO of Beyond Air. “This collaboration is a testament to our commitment to advancing neonatal care and improving patient outcomes.”

The U.S. Naval Hospital Guam serves as a critical care provider for more than 17,000 active-duty military personnel and family members currently stationed on Guam, a population which is expected to increase by 2,500 in the next two years.