
SOPHiA GENETICS expands oncology portfolio with new RAM application

SOPHiA GENETICS (NASDAQ:SOPH) has announced its new residual acute myeloid (RAM) application, SOPHiA DDM RAM Solution, supporting measurable residual disease (MRD) testing to help monitor cancer and outpace relapse. The new offering will be available to customers worldwide this summer.

SOPHiA DDM RAM Solution will enable customers to monitor longitudinal variants, allowing them to visualize each patient’s mutational landscape and track its evolution over time. The solution also offers access to the latest databases and customizable reporting features so users can create detailed graphical representations and comprehensive MRD reports.

MRD solutions can help inform post-remission therapy and identify early relapse in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

In a statement, Philippe Menu, M.D., Ph.D., chief medical officer and chief product officer of SOPHiA GENETICS, said, “We are proud to contribute to the fight against AML through our SOPHiA DDM RAM Solution. In particular, we feel that the capability to seamlessly track longitudinally the evolution of individual mutations over time through a dedicated add-on module of our SOPHiA DDM Platform has the potential to be a game-changer for clinical researchers.”


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