
MF selects Titan’s Probuphine as a top 12 medical breakthrough

Titan Pharmaceuticals

The Motley Fool investment newsletter selected Titan Pharmaceuticals’ (NASDAQ:TTNP) Probuphine implant as one of the 12 greatest medical breakthroughs of 2016.

In May, the FDA approved the one-of-a-kind buprenorphine implant for the treatment of opioid dependence. Probuphine provides a constant, low-level dose of buprenorphine for six months to patients who are stable enough to be administered a low-to-moderate dose of buprenorphine as part of a treatment program.

According to the newsletter, the new implant is highly convenient, as it removes the need to remember to take a pill, and is “another step toward safely ending the opioid epidemic in America.”

The Motley Fool article can be viewed here.


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