
Titan’s Probuphine highlighted as a potential game changer

Titan Pharmaceuticals

Britain’s Computer Business Review has selected Titan Pharmaceuticals’ (NASDAQ:TTNP) Probuphine implant as one of 10 future technologies that will change the world, along with autonomous vehicles, bionic exoskeletons, deep brain stimulation and Elon Musk’s hyperloop, among others.

The publication said the six-month implant is designed to help patients beat drug addiction by implanting tube-like flexible implants into a patient’s upper arm. The implants are capable of drip-feeding a drug called buprenorphine that is designed to combat a dependency on opioids.

By providing a convenient method of treating patients like this, it means that the issue of remembering to take medicine is a thing of the past, the publication added.

The article can be viewed here.


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