
Braeburn provides update on training sessions for Probuphine


Healthcare provider training and certification for Titan Pharmaceuticals’ (NASDAQ:TTNP) Probuphine implant will take place on July 15-17 in Denver by Titan’s marketing partner, closely-held Braeburn Pharmaceuticals.

The FDA cleared Probuphine in late May as the first implant for the maintenance treatment of opioid dependence in patients who have sustained clinical stability on low-to-moderate doses of buprenorphine, specifically 8 mg or less a day. Opioid use disorder is a chronic brain disease and one of the fastest growing public health epidemics in America.

“Braeburn is committed to making Probuphine available to patients in the Denver area and across the country as soon as possible, which is why we’re conducting training sessions so quickly after receiving FDA approval for Probuphine,” Braeburn’s president and CEO, Behshad Sheldon, said in a statement.

To date, 1,590 physicians from all 50 states and Puerto Rico have been certified to provide Probuphine to their patients.

Titan’s proprietary long-term, ProNeura drug delivery platform provides continuous drug release and non-fluctuating medication levels over a period of three months to a year depending on drug characteristics. ProNeura products are subdermal implants that are ideal for treating chronic diseases for which the maintenance of stable medication levels could offer advantages over other routes of administration.

This weekend’s training sessions for Probuphine in Denver are part of a series of 262 that Braeburn is conducting across 55 cities this summer. Braeburn has received requests for information on Probuphine training from more than 5,000 healthcare providers and expects to train at least 2,000 healthcare providers by the end of July 2016 and more than 4,000 healthcare providers by the end of 2016.


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